#: locale=en ## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_48E89571_0C02_7831_4190_A5CE49BF9C7E.source = https://www.austintexas.gov/municipal-court ## Hotspot ### Tooltip HotspotMapOverlayArea_C80C96F3_F99B_C4D9_41CF_1010AF9D2F1A.toolTip = Administrative Hearing Room (small) HotspotMapOverlayArea_CBE1CE87_F99A_C739_4192_72C772C2A0DB.toolTip = Adminstrative Hearing Room (large) HotspotMapOverlayArea_C82F3AEE_F989_4CCB_41D3_7DD9F1C29672.toolTip = Bathrooms HotspotMapOverlayArea_66767D8F_67D6_9F38_41C1_C3C81EF71775.toolTip = Burleson and Smith School (North) HotspotMapOverlayArea_696879A7_67CA_8768_41B3_ECB4204336E5.toolTip = Burleson and Smith School (South) HotspotMapOverlayArea_C8BAB809_F997_4B49_41CC_C12E2C17FA8B.toolTip = Civil Hearing Offices HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A836DE3F_D075_0A33_41E4_7DEDDACBA47B.toolTip = Civil Hearing Offices - \ Civil parking hearings available here. HotspotMapOverlayArea_AACCBECD_AFB2_BF90_41CC_92AB7689B907.toolTip = Courtroom 1 HotspotMapOverlayArea_AA5E0AC8_AFB5_8790_41C8_2CB0AA577E9D.toolTip = Courtroom 2 HotspotMapOverlayArea_A9169FCD_AFB7_FD90_41B9_91A5879D3FD3.toolTip = Courtroom 3 HotspotMapOverlayArea_A281C067_8FD6_DF4B_41BF_F0E74B70E6E4.toolTip = Courtroom 4 HotspotMapOverlayArea_D45580ED_AFB3_8390_41E7_6A74ED7554F9.toolTip = Courtroom 5 HotspotMapOverlayArea_F33478D0_C699_4CD7_41E6_2C8FEAF8E19F.toolTip = Courtroom Lobby HotspotMapOverlayArea_F438A7FB_C699_44C9_41B7_4BEADB26FC87.toolTip = Courtroom Lobby HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E42022FC_D38F_1A35_41C2_5154077A9854.toolTip = Customer Services Screen - \ After checking in at the lobby kiosk, \ screens show the customer \ numbers being serviced and at which station. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F64088BF_D1B7_1633_41BA_02422D9F0F24.toolTip = Customer Services Screen - \ After checking in at the lobby kiosk, \ screens show the customer \ numbers being serviced and at which station. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB522F78_D1BD_0A3D_41BD_1EDB835DA3B2.toolTip = Customer Services Screen - \ After checking in at the lobby kiosk, \ screens show the customer \ numbers being serviced and at which station. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_98261072_D3F3_164D_41E2_5C195D4F3194.toolTip = Docket Schedule - \ Docket information can be viewed here. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E9E3A470_D3F7_3E4D_41C6_1E5C0A8B7490.toolTip = Drop Box - \ For submitting documents after hours. \ Please do not put cash in drop box. HotspotMapOverlayArea_69F5EEA5_67F6_9D68_41D1_170F1F2D4F72.toolTip = East Parking Lot Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_93678D00_D892_8290_419C_A270B2AC4AD8.toolTip = Enter Administrative Hearing Room (Large) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_239431B2_4676_FD5B_4142_C0264A510D1A.toolTip = Enter Administrative Hearing Room (Small) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_813E2888_D872_8390_41DB_EBD251EA5E9C.toolTip = Enter Courtroom 1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_801EAEA8_D872_BF90_41C5_1733BD4BE04D.toolTip = Enter Courtroom 2 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_853DF5DE_D876_8DB0_41E7_F82B7B81FC8B.toolTip = Enter Courtroom 3 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_804914C6_D87D_8390_41C0_7724B094D938.toolTip = Enter Courtroom 4 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_85834EB2_D876_9FF0_41E3_AF5468F1AFD7.toolTip = Enter Courtroom 5 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_7682E88A_792B_2FC5_41D1_C7AE11B49C43.toolTip = Enter Front Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_80451624_D873_8E90_41CB_C68957334CFA.toolTip = Enter Jury Assembly Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8E872671_D876_8F70_41D3_38A2BCDE6C75.toolTip = Enter Multi-Purpose Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_392E7965_4689_CDF8_4161_DD054BF36AB2.toolTip = Enter Multi-Purpose Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_28455060_46BB_BBF7_4162_F35A7EB175A8.toolTip = Enter Records and Administrative (RAS) Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2B5B3010_46B9_DB57_415C_F1BB5A31FA98.toolTip = Enter Records and Administrative Services (RAS) Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2503D0E3_4689_DCF9_4152_F38437CEEC2A.toolTip = Exit Administrative Hearing Room (Small) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_21E0D03F_478A_BB49_4164_5671DC9427AD.toolTip = Exit Adminstrative Hearing Room (Large) HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F156C806_E796_8290_41DF_00646A986FAF.toolTip = Exit Courtroom 1 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2803C98_E78D_83B0_41C3_CC69D9B5A024.toolTip = Exit Courtroom 2 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F387B7A3_E796_8D90_419F_A4B2106DB353.toolTip = Exit Courtroom 3 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F2577EEB_E78E_BF90_41E6_DE0419319266.toolTip = Exit Courtroom 4 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_F35A3FD2_E797_9DB0_41D0_B3BAEAB4377F.toolTip = Exit Courtroom 5 HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_5C1A083D_53FA_C49B_41B9_E873F1286F74.toolTip = Exit Front Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3EEABB89_467B_4D49_4174_842494D1D1DB.toolTip = Exit Jury Assembly Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_3B48FD7E_46B7_45CB_4154_E0F1C69F8E17.toolTip = Exit Multi-Purpose Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_39F75D6C_4689_45CF_4175_54B7D7FA2B6F.toolTip = Exit Multi-Purpose Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_28BDD659_46B7_47C9_4159_E288229CA920.toolTip = Exit Records and Administrative Services (RAS) Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_2B6C356C_4689_45CF_414E_07C7B1840634.toolTip = Exit Records and Adminstrative Services (RAS) Room HotspotMapOverlayArea_68E5854E_67F7_8F38_41C1_9737E9273A47.toolTip = Front Municipal Court HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8C5798FB_D093_7633_41CB_00FF869437DE.toolTip = Information Desk - \ Questions can be answered here. HotspotMapOverlayArea_CB4FBCF2_F98B_44DB_41E0_61BFF2AD0C68.toolTip = Jury Assembly Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_83C16E20_D097_0DCD_41E9_38A0D1628328.toolTip = Jury Assembly Room \ Click for more information HotspotMapOverlayArea_A4798142_D0FC_F64D_41D2_F135DE0D639B.toolTip = Kiosk HotspotMapOverlayArea_ADFE9B67_8FE9_214B_4178_DEB8007D233D.toolTip = Lobby HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_989A61B6_D38D_1635_41CC_EFBB6DDE9961.toolTip = Lobby Vending Machines - \ Eating in the lobby is permitted. \ No food or beverages are allowed \ in the courtrooms, except for \ water in a closed container. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_74AB728E_6782_07EB_4182_946B0AC26630.toolTip = Moblity Scooter - \ Click for more details. HotspotMapOverlayArea_C808ECA0_F989_4B77_41D5_976876932125.toolTip = Mother's Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8063BEB0_D093_0ACD_41B4_E7B744FE1DDA.toolTip = Mother's Room - \ Available upon request. Please ask at the \ Records and Administrative Services room \ or front counter for access. HotspotMapOverlayArea_CB754F63_F98A_C5F9_41DB_BDDC813CD3C8.toolTip = Multi-Purpose Room HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E624C5D3_F453_0988_4192_AE1AD3F47953.toolTip = Municipal Court Kiosk - \ Click for more details. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4FE13CE_A7F2_8590_41E1_66BD920BA7E6.toolTip = Mural Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BC325683_9710_2317_41D7_88C9BC457288.toolTip = Mural Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B40E0838_A78E_82F0_41C5_D1D1E4D82EEA.toolTip = Mural Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BBA74328_9510_2111_41D0_09C79D148AA8.toolTip = Mural Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B754783F_A7F6_82F0_41DB_FA91EBCD346A.toolTip = Mural Details HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B7B99A81_A7F6_8790_41C9_E55EB6DCF592.toolTip = Mural Highlights HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BB917A1E_9510_6331_41E2_809C98C3AFB4.toolTip = Mural Highlights HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_BC1C1075_9710_1FF3_41DD_5074B461A410.toolTip = Mural Highlights HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B4497B04_A7F2_8690_41C1_BEB28197DF27.toolTip = Mural Highlights HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_B41BC6C0_A78E_8F90_41D5_F98A4F8E6244.toolTip = Mural Highlights HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_A14C6DE6_B203_E960_41D9_A7816C2A7BEC.toolTip = No prohibited items beyond this point. \ Click for more details. HotspotMapOverlayArea_690D3204_67F6_8528_41DB_47C71F62D1DB.toolTip = Parking Lot HotspotMapOverlayArea_CB7A8B1B_F999_4D49_41D4_66098F9CF289.toolTip = RAS HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8D19568C_D0F5_3AD5_41CE_F6805888FE35.toolTip = Records and Administrative Room Kiosk - \ Customers may print driving records here. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_8A5AE233_D08D_1A33_41D1_701666390941.toolTip = Records and Administrative Services (RAS) window - \ Records request may be made here. \ Press button on counter for service. HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_E9E32ECA_F44D_FB98_41CC_E215243E0AFD.toolTip = Restrooms HotspotMapOverlayArea_AC76707D_8FEB_5F3F_41AC_20C063C7C3D1.toolTip = Security HotspotMapOverlayArea_66053958_67C9_87D8_41D0_B923578081B9.toolTip = Smith School HotspotMapOverlayArea_69ACB65B_67CA_8DD8_41D6_0B08F0FD98F0.toolTip = Smith School HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_861E2503_D093_1FD3_41E5_3149384B5236.toolTip = Vending Machines - \ Eating in the hallway is permitted. \ No food or beverages are allowed in \ the courtrooms, except for water in \ a closed container. HotspotMapOverlayArea_68FA3868_67C9_85F8_41CE_FC32AE12A756.toolTip = West Parking Lot Entrance HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_66E91FE2_EF95_0A4D_41E7_4F4226635687.toolTip = Youth Services - \ Offices for meeting with a \ Youth Services case manager HotspotPanoramaOverlayArea_69F51FF2_EF97_0A4D_41EA_1095C1EC15D8.toolTip = Youth Services - \ Offices for meeting with a \ Youth Services case manager HotspotMapOverlayArea_CBB8A318_F997_DD4C_41D7_F5FB8A892F07.toolTip = Youth Services Offices ## Media ### Floorplan ### Image imlevel_BD25D201_A99E_C17D_41B9_94B25E1C780B.url = media/map_69E1822E_67CA_8578_41C3_E136C70BF9F9_en_0.jpg imlevel_BD25B201_A99E_C17D_41E3_5B63060C1629.url = media/map_69E1822E_67CA_8578_41C3_E136C70BF9F9_en_1.jpg imlevel_BD259201_A99E_C17D_41BE_A1F70C9EC9E7.url = media/map_69E1822E_67CA_8578_41C3_E136C70BF9F9_en_2.jpg imlevel_BD257201_A99E_C17D_41B1_5D48954B1B28.url = media/map_69E1822E_67CA_8578_41C3_E136C70BF9F9_en_3.jpg imlevel_BD3CA0C4_A99E_C2FB_41E3_CC0A88540323.url = 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Artwork: Changemakers (2022)
Artist: J Muzacz
Artwork Information: Depicted in this mural are six leaders from modern law history who worked tirelessly to break down racial, gender and socioeconomic limitations of their time in their respective fields. Leaving legacies of hardship and triumph, they embody what it means to be a social justice hero, whose stories deserve the respect and recognition of Austinites today who have better opportunities, more equal rights, and access to quality of life, thanks to their perseverance and struggle.
From Left to Right:
Virgil C. Lott (August 22, 1924 - April 16, 1968) was the first Black graduate of the UT Law School and the first Black judge to sit on the bench in Austin. He was also an attorney active in developing multi-family housing for low and moderate income families.
Liz Carpenter (September 1, 1920 – March 20, 2010) graduated from the University of Texas School of Journalism, and was the White House press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson. Carpenter was also a writer, feminist, reporter, media advisor, speechwriter, political humorist, and public relations expert.
Harriet Mitchell Murphy (b. Atlanta, Georgia) received her bachelor's degree from Spelman College, master's degree from Clark Atlanta University, and law degree from the University of Texas School of Law. In 1973, she became the first African-American woman appointed to a regular judgeship in Texas, and served on the City of Austin Municipal Court for twenty years.
Gustavo "Gus" C. Garcia (July 27, 1915 – June 3, 1964) was an American civil rights attorney from Laredo, Texas and graduate of the University of Texas Law School. Garcia worked with fellow attorney Carlos Cadena in the landmark case Hernández v. Texas, successfully arguing before the US Supreme Court for the end of a practice of systematic exclusion of Hispanics from jury service in Jackson County, Texas under the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment.
Ada Cecilia Collins Anderson (October 2, 1921 – June 3, 2021) graduated from Tillotson College, now Huston-Tillotson University, and then pursued graduate school at the University of Texas. She was known for a career dedicated to education — including becoming the first Black woman to be elected to the board of directors at Austin Community College. In 1953, she and her husband, Marcellus “Andy” Anderson, started the Anderson-Wormley Real Estate firm, Austin’s first Black-owned real estate agency. And in 2014, Mrs. Anderson gave $3 million to her alma mater, Huston-Tillotson, the largest private gift in the university’s history.
Heman Marion Sweatt (December 11, 1912 – October 3, 1982) was an African-American civil rights activist who confronted Jim Crow laws. He is best known for the Sweatt v. Painter lawsuit, which challenged the "separate but equal" doctrine and was one of the earliest of the events that led to the desegregation of American higher education. Sweatt also worked for many years with the NAACP and National Urban League. The Travis County Courthouse, where his monumental court case took place more than 50 years earlier, was later renamed the Heman Marion Sweatt Travis County Courthouse on October 21, 2005.
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Artwork: Cultivating Resilience (2022)
Artist: Lindsey Millikan
Artwork Information: The focus of this mural is to bring the outdoors in. I hope you find this unorthodox courthouse design done with intention and purpose to create a sense of place and uplift those who find themselves within the courthouse walls.
Local flora and fauna is represented through Red Yucca, Indian Paintbrush, Prickly Pear Cactus, Black-eyed Susans, a Monarch butterfly, a Verdin bird and White Prickly Poppies.
The Red Yucca, which symbolizes new opportunities and resiliency, frames the two ends of the mural.
Next is the Verdin- a tiny, tough and peaceful little bird. It is the only bird of the genus Auriparus and the sole representative of the Remizidae family in North America.
Verdins are known for their mesmerizing and melodic song that adds to their charm.
The bright red flower is an Indian Paintbrush which is also known as Grandmother’s Hair, Painted Lady and Prairie Fire. It symbolizes way-finding and purposeful direction.
The other flowers featured in the mural are the White Prickly Poppies and the Black-eyed Susans. White Prickly Poppies symbolize a commitment to peace. White prickly poppies and Black-eyed Susans have been used medicinally by Indigenous peoples for centuries. Beyond the White Prickly Poppy’s history of uses, it is finally becoming a sought-after garden plant in Texas. It is deer-resistant and water-wise. It attracts pollinators and butterflies. Black-eyed Susans are considered a symbol of encouragement and motivation. Although the yellow blossoms appear fragile, these perennials have a strong root system that often allows the plant to rejuvenate itself every year.
The monarch butterfly is the Texas state insect. Texas is an important state for monarch migration. They symbolize transformation and rebirth.
The Prickly Pear or Nopal cactus is the official state plant for Texas. A remarkably resilient plant with an incredibly strong root system, it symbolizes hope and endurance.
Gray-scale grasses ground the composition and marry the vibrant foreground with the calming blue sky background. Effort was made to balance complexity with simplicity in order to create visual interest as well as a place for the eye to rest before circling back within the composition again.
Petal shape and object placement leads the eye directionally throughout the scope of the mural. Additionally, the mural can be pleasantly viewed from different perspectives, angles and proximities that are satisfying without needing to step back to take on the mural in its entirety.
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Artwork: Native Roots (2022)
Artist: Ernesto Hernández Ramírez
Artwork Information: The artwork, including inspiration, figures listed, landmarks, species, etc. “Native Roots” honors Native American Cultures, animals, and plants of central Texas. The feathers represent the Native American Cultures that thrived in the region, including Neches, Caddo, Coahuiltecan, Comanche, Apache, Kiowa, Wichita, and Karankawa.
The buffalo represents the animals that provided substance and life for various Native American Cultures like the Tonkawa. For thousands of years, Texas and northern Mexico have been the habitat of Armadillo. The vaqueros introduced new animals to the region, including the longhorn, which has become a symbol of pride and identity in central Texas.
The flora depicted in “Native Roots” include agave (a succulent and not a cactus) and the various Oak trees, including Mexican Oak, Live Oak, Lacey Oak, Bur Oak, and Chinquapin Oak.
Let us honor the flora, fauna, and people that created the foundation for the Austin area to thrive.
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Artwork: Organics 3 (2022)
Artist: Gregory Brown Jr -aka- Novusblack
Artwork Information: Austin is a bustling city filled with rich history, artists of all kind, and pure creatives. As a transplant from the East Coast, I’ve experienced the community, love, and diverse culture that the City of Austin has to offer. This piece is a visual representation of my experience and time spent here. The image is mirrored as a symbolic reference; to us as human beings and how we’re reflections of each other.
The “Bats Bridge” is used as the center focal point and the figures are represented abstractly to portray “the people” in general. The plant life below surrounding the bridge on either side symbolically refers to the unique and diverse communities that live here; both native and transplanted.
The Capital is depicted on either side as cornerstones; capping or housing both ends of the painting to represent unity and wholeness.
Purple Heart
Setcreasea pallida
Optunia spp
Century Plant
Agave americana
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Artwork: To Learn and to Remember (2022)
Artist: Mila Sketch
Artwork Information: This mural tells the story of segregation, prosperity, and Austin's Black community through still standing historic buildings.
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Available for use by any customer.  Upon entry, please advise a security guard if you intend on using the mobility scooter. 
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Check in at the kiosk and wait for your number to be called to a customer service window. Use the lobby overhead CUSTOMER SERVICES SCREEN to view the place number to be called out.
• If you have a court date with a room number, proceed directly to the COURT ROOM.
• If you have jury duty, proceed to the JURY ASSEMBLY ROOM.
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Prohibited Items
This list is not all inclusive. Security supervisors shall use judgment to determine if other items may potentially compromise the security and safety of the building.
Please see the Rules of the Court for further details.
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This mode is accessible using a mobile device within a VR headset or a dedicated VR headset. It will provide the most immersive experience.
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Those assigned to jury duty will report here. Any questions relating to jury duty can contact the Travis County Jury Management Office at 512-854-9669 or visit their website at
### Title window_B3CFB661_A7F2_8E90_41C2_7DD9198255A5.title = Changemaker window_47112833_59B9_4B59_4131_D134AF4609E6.title = Changemakers window_B4F2F9DE_9570_2131_41DB_81390AD90557.title = Cultivating Resilience window_8ED5AD4D_D093_0E57_41A4_705CDB5682CB.title = Jury Assembly Room window_74D7E293_6782_07F9_41D0_3179ACA564F1.title = Mobility Scooter (ADA Compliant) window_E014E599_F44F_09B8_41E2_33AFE801BA43.title = Municipal Court Kiosk window_A80418E4_AF92_8390_41E8_0435A883A30F.title = Native Roots window_A6E4764B_B204_7AA0_41CE_C0E4F6FB69E4.title = No prohibited items beyond this point. window_A8145B73_AF93_8570_41C6_953F112146FC.title = Organics 3 window_BF3ACCA6_9710_6711_41DD_08A573B04626.title = To Learn and to Remember window_4CCFC098_5B8F_5B57_41A4_9EED9062A859.title = VR Mode ## Skin ### Image Image_1103C169_03B9_4620_4192_E72E4E37992D.url = skin/Image_1103C169_03B9_4620_4192_E72E4E37992D_en.png Image_32D66DF8_0C02_C83F_419B_5E32029C8876.url = skin/Image_32D66DF8_0C02_C83F_419B_5E32029C8876_en.png Image_629C2CA0_7B57_67C5_41AE_E9202E296DCD.url = skin/Image_629C2CA0_7B57_67C5_41AE_E9202E296DCD_en.png Image_A12C6BA1_8F29_E1C7_41DB_19DCF90B02D7.url = skin/Image_A12C6BA1_8F29_E1C7_41DB_19DCF90B02D7_en.gif Image_A1EB4F9A_8F29_E1C5_41D5_C297B14A1938.url = skin/Image_A1EB4F9A_8F29_E1C5_41D5_C297B14A1938_en.gif Image_A23FCC53_8F2B_274B_41D0_07301A29E7CC.url = skin/Image_A23FCC53_8F2B_274B_41D0_07301A29E7CC_en.gif Image_A7F5327E_8ED7_633D_41C4_E81ED316417A.url = skin/Image_A7F5327E_8ED7_633D_41C4_E81ED316417A_en.gif Image_B53F9BC8_AFED_5BF9_41B5_9509EE863494.url = skin/Image_B53F9BC8_AFED_5BF9_41B5_9509EE863494_en.png ### Multiline Text HTMLText_119E6B44_03C9_3A60_417F_E649C6F59526.html =
City of Austin VR
Main Courthouse
Austin Municipal Court

Our Mission

The mission of the Municipal Court is to impartially administer justice in a fair and efficient manner so that trust and accountability are exemplified to the public we serve.

The work of the court

Please note that all court settings are open to the public.

The Municipal Court is the judicial branch of local government, the City of Austin. The court commits to administering fair, efficient, and prompt justice. Court services are handled both onsite and online, or by telephone, email, and mail.

The court decides the lowest level criminal offenses in the state of Texas, including traffic, city ordinance, juvenile, and disabled parking.

The court also:
Processes criminal case appeals
Collaborates with community court
Processes citizen complaints
Presides over bench and jury trials
Processes parking citations
Responds to requests for public information
Explains options when:
delinquent cases are sent to the collection agency
delinquent cases cause a juvenile or minor's driver's license renewal to be denied
you are accused of a violating class C law in Austin, even if you don't live here
you can't comply with court orders

Our Youth Services Unit:
Helps juveniles and their families understand what they need to do to comply with court orders and/or program requirements.
Provides educational alternative sentencing and deferral options that, if successfully completed, keep a charge off a juvenile’s record

This project was created in collaboration with the City of Austin Municipal Court and Communications and Technology Management (CTM) Department.

VR Municipal Court Project Team:
Tomas Salinas (MC)
Catherine Cousar (MC)
Rodrigo Vasquez (Security)
Trent Atkins (WPD)
Marbenn Cayetano (CTM)
### Tab Panel TabPanelPage_EB11236D_FBF3_5779_41BB_E21B1976C389.label = About TabPanelPage_EB17836D_FBF3_5779_41B5_0B878DD1E213.label = Municipal Court TabPanelPage_EB10C36D_FBF3_5779_41D1_E8A51BE7EF1E.label = Municipal Court Media ### Tooltip Image_32D66DF8_0C02_C83F_419B_5E32029C8876.toolTip = Municipal Court IconButton_03D08FA0_16F2_4323_41B0_42D4929F2451.toolTip = VR Mode ## Tour ### Description tour.description = VR Tour of the Municipal Courthouse in collaboration with the City of Austin Municipal Court ### Title tour.name = Municipal Court