
CoA Community Tech & Telecom Commission Open Government Working Group

Sept 14, 2016 Updates to the Commission

1) Following up on the status of the Lobby Reform ordinance, I’m not sure what the outcome was at the full council meeting, but that’s worth looking up sharing back.

2) Trying to get a meeting schedule with CIO Stephen Elkins and/or Open Data staff. Lem tried to set up a meeting but it hasn’t gone any where yet other than Mr Elkins saying he was open to meet and would have his assistant schedule. Probably on us to follow up at this point. This could help inform the strategy for moving the Open Gov resolution to a more binding ordinance.

3) I found this founding charter (attached) of the Open Government Operating Board, the city’s internal governance team that is supposed to define the Open Gov strategy for the city. Their charter states that their report requirements include “summary reports to Austin City Council through the Emerging Technology and Telecommunications Committee.” I think we should ask for an update from this operating board because we haven’t heard from them since I’ve been involved.

4) The City’s Task Force on Community Engagement published a final report back in May and I just got around to flipping through it. A handful of their recommendations (page 18) include things very much in the digital engagement realm. I think we should select a few of these issues to prioritize. We might even consider scheduling a time to meet with some of the volunteers who served on this Task Force.