
CoA Community Tech & Telecom Commission Open Government Working Group

Questions for panel of Telecom providers representatives :

What is the biggest impediment to Gigabit deployment?

Would common duct bank or common right of way on Austin Energy polls facilitate Fiber rollout?

What is your company’s opinion on net neutrality?

Comparing Austin to other cities like (Portland, Lowell MA, Singapore) we are behind on . What is the biggest infrastructure obstacle to

How do providers plan to expand small cell technology to the rest of the City?

Is there structural, enginerring, or physical infrastructure obstacles for deployment?

What emerging technology will most impact providing high speed internet efficiently?

How do Federal, State, and local regulations help and/or hurt your efforts to deploy new technology?

Has your company developed a community engagement plan? If so, how is it tailored to the City of Austin and its rapidly growing population?

When your comapnies chose to expand service, what are the determining factors other than demand that you are considering?

When it comes to permitting processes delays, what are we as a City missing? What is actionable? What are no brainer fixes we could make to the permitting process?