Digital Services Engagement Guide

Once you’ve gotten to know staff across the organization, and learned what makes them unique, only then are you ready to start the formal research phase of your project. This is your opportunity to learn their reality working in [the process in scope]. You and your team will be:

  • Planning the research

  • Giving staff a heads up

  • Conducting research

Planning the research

Using what you’ve learned so far, meet with the manager again to plan an approach to conducting site visits. Come to agreement on the:

  • General approach

  • Research methods

  • Structure of visits with staff

  • Timing of visits with staff

  • An initial schedule

If you document the approach you agree on with the manager and share it with them, everyone has it for their future reference. This is especially helpful when your presence in the group is met with skepticism.

Giving staff a heads up

An email should be sent to staff, preferably by the manager, letting them know that the team will be conducting regular site visits and who will be emailing them from the team to request permission/schedule interviews/observations/etc. Encourage the manager to encourage participation!

You or your team member will email staff to schedule interviews/observations/etc in line with your research plan.

  • Sample script
  • “It was great meeting you at [provide context]. As a reminder, we are here to work with y’all on [project goal]. We’re hoping to learn what you do and how it helps you do your job well. I don’t know much about [process in scope] and I’d love to learn from your expertise.”

Conducting research

As you carry out the research plan your team has developed, give deliberate attention to the way you engage with staff. Engagement isn’t just a means to collecting data that will help you with your project. It’s equally important to devote attention to cultivating personalized relationships with staff.

When possible during site visits, eat in the break room/kitchen/conference room/visible congregating area. Signal you’re available for chit-chat. No heads down time in these areas unless necessary and in those cases, be sure to visit those areas for down time too and let staff know when you’ll next be in down-time mode. Personalized relationships are fueled by chit-chat, not in project work alone.