Digital Services Engagement Guide

You’ve gotten to know staff across the organization. Now you need to learn more about how they work together. The department or working group you’re partnering with is part of a larger city system. Sure, they’re aligned with other city groups in their overall mission. But each group is unique in the larger system and wants to be recognized for the special way they help the city run smoothly. Here we describe several things to think about when trying to get to know an organization’s flavor:

  • What do staff think others in the system need to know about them?
  • How are things done around here?

What do staff think others in the system need to know about them?

Learn who they think they are in the system of groups that make up the city.

Learn who they think they are in the system of groups impacting [the process in scope].

Learn what pain points or challenges they face as a group.

How are things done around there?

Ask them their experiences in the office with the following, so you can learn office norms:

  • Leadership communication practices

  • Meetings

  • How change is communicated

  • Professional development

  • Training

  • Social gatherings