LifeFiles was a project envisioned and developed by City of Austin's Innovation Office

The LifeFiles project, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas in Technology and Health Grant, researched and prototyped a blockchain-enabled platform that could store, secure, validate, and share personal documents. Over the grant period the team researched and developed the prototype for the platform, tested with residents and service providers, outlined the next steps for developing and launching the platform, and compiled their products and learnings on this website.

Our intent is that, when launched, the platform could increase resident access to social and health services especially vital to ending homelessness, such as housing, benefits, and access to medical care. Digital documents will be linked to an account accessible on any device, and a client will always retain complete ownership of personal information, even after exiting homelessness or after receiving care from providers. The client will also be able to remove any reference to personal data from the platform and its records at any time.

LifeFiles is intended to empower clients with their own history, enable self-advocacy, and catalyze client-centered care.

“The only way is through.”
Kerry O'Connor, Chief Investigator from the Other's Foundation Podcast

Leadership Team

Kerry O'Connor, Principle Investigator

Chief Innovation Officer (currently on sabatical)

Daniel Culotta, Co-principal Investigator

Acting Chief Innovation Office
Meet the Makers

Design and Production Team

Brought to you by...

Adam Wiedemann

Project Lead
Former robotics engineer with years of systems architecture experience. With the help of leaders in the decentralized identity community, Adam architected the MyPass application to make digital documents private, secure, and legally accepted.

Neal Roessler

Back-end Developer
Blockchain Engineer with a history of several blockchain startups. Neal developed the web3.0 implementations behind the encrypted security, verifiable credentials, distributed ledgers, Etherium Name Service, key management, Oauth2.0, self-resolving DIDs, and payment system within MyPass.

Adam Carnagey

Front-end Developer
Front-end DesignerFull Stack developer with extensive JS experience. AdamC was instrumental in creating privacy features such as browser-side encryption, Biometrics in Web Assembly, Admin Security, and multimodal login.

Pablo Portilla del Valle

UX Designer
Designer with a journalism background. Pablo delved deep into the lived experience of homelessness in order to design an interface accessible to an audience with a wide range of digital literacy.